A Celebration of Resilience
Since October of 2022, the Children’s Advocacy Center has held the film rights to show the “Resilience” film documentary to organizations within Arizona. As of August of this year, we have shown the film to nearly 900 Arizonians across twenty-eight different showings. The “Resilience” film documents the birth of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) movement and the long-term negative effects of childhood trauma. The magic of the film is in how it then highlights various programs around the U.S. that are combatting these long-term negative effects through building more resilient children, families, and communities.
The film is as inspiring as it is a call to action. Resilience takes a community – all of us, across sectors, all of us are needed to make a lasting difference for the children in our lives and neighborhoods.
We have decided to bring the film to a larger community audience by hosting a special showing at the Loft Cinema this September 17th from 1-4pm. The Celebration of Resilience event, as we are calling it, will feature not only the film and a guided debrief session immediately following, but also live performances by Tucson Student Ministries and tabling by local organizations already at work in resilience building in our communities. This is an opportunity for you to come and see and learn and experience – and ultimately, get involved. Find your place, your contribution, to being a part of the movement to end Adverse Childhood Experiences, strengthen families, and create a more resilient Tucson, Pima County, Arizona – and beyond.
This event is open to the public. If you are interested in attending, please register for your ticket(s) through EventBrite, here: www.eventbrite.com/e/a-celebration-of-resilience-tickets-658004638587.
If you have any questions about the event, are interested in tabling, or would like flyers to pass out, please contact Sarah Reed at (520) 724-2193 or sreed@soazadvocacy.org.